Saturday, April 3, 2010

Much ado about nothing.....

I have been a very bad girl! We have been so busy, I have not had time to sit down and update our blog. Since I last posted, we celebrated St Patty's day, brendan started hockey, josie started ice skating lessons and SPRING HAS SPRUNG!
Our kids love getting dressed up and in the spirit of St patty's day.

Mommy and Daddy also have some fun on st patricks day!
we take the paddy wagon (a.k.a. uncle pats bus) on a tour
of downtown detroit! It is an all day afair, and lots of fun!
We start in corktown at nemos and walk to a few bars around there and then end up
at Malarkys in westland!

Brendan got a palate expander in february to help with the crowding in his mouth. Since he is mostly a mouth breather and a FORMER thumb sucker (way to go brendan!) his mouth is very small. On a good note, when they did xrays they noticed that as of now he has no wisdom teeth! His mouth has gotten so BIG!
He has been a good sport about it, the first few days were a little hairy, but he quickly adjusted!

The kids have been getting so silly and a bit sassy! They both love music, and sing along to all songs on the radio (even if they are not quite kids brendan started timbits hockey classes and ice skating classes and is doing great. He is now on a spring team "The mustangs" . Daddy is in heaven!
It is now easter weekend and the weather is beautiful! The kids are loving not wearing coats. In fact josie informed me she is not wearing a coat anymore!

We are looking forward to going to grandma sue's for easter dinner and an Egg Hunt!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Happy Birthday Josie!!

Hard to believe it has been 4 years since Josie has cane into our lives. In her short time here on earth she has taught us so many invaluable lessons, and given us so much love. She has endured 9 surgeries and all the while been (for the most part) happy and cheerful. If you would have told me 4 years ago how much she would change my life, I wouldn't even of begun to understand what you were talking about.

She made me cherish each day with her, the relish in every tiny accomplishment and every HUGE achievement. She taught me how to stand up for what is right, and realize that will trust and faith all things are possible. I have had people tell me that I would have to accomadate josie and when she grows up, she may not go to college or have a career....those people used to bother me, now I pity them. I pity their closemindedness, the fact that they do not see beyond the face. Because hear me now and hear my loud and clear, I HAVE NO DOUBT JOSIE WILL DO GREAT THINGS.

She is the smartest little girl, not too mention the bravest. She is driven to do whatever she wants, and will figure out a way to to do, not matter what! Of course she has the loudest cheerleaders at her side. Most of all her brother Brendan.

So on the eve of her fourth birthday I will continue to educate people on craniofacial syndromes and I vow to (try) not to let other peoples opinion of Josie dampen my spirits. Because in my heart of hearts I know that josie is here on earth to do great things.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Sneak peek

I am about 99% finished with my scrapbook room and have even started to scrap in it! amazing huh? Especially since I got the basic cupboards/counter in last winter?? Better late than never right? Gotta say, I love it! The first day I scrapped in it, my fabulous husband came up (after about 3-4 hours of scrapping) to ask if I was making dinner....hmmmm Guess you can guess we had take out that night!

I put my mp3 player and speakers in my new digs, even a couple of candles and I was ready to roll. You see, I can barely hear the phone or TV or kids (unless they come and try to *help me). Mark thinks I need a corded phone up there for *emergencies, like making dinner, bathing kids, putting kids to bed, and on and on an on..... I think he is forgetting that all spring & summer he fishes (sometimes well into the late fall and winter). I have always said the winter is mine. Once summer comes I am sure my scrapbooking dime will dwindle, who wants to be inside when it is so nice out, unless we get a screaching hot humid stretch of course!

Wanna peek....


I will officially name my room once i order the vinyl from the wall to cut out with my very own CRICUT! This is a new to me possession! It is the orginal smaller version, but great for cutting letters and small things out with. And who needs the big one or a lot of cartridges when your sister in law (who happens to live next doors) has it and LOTS of cartridges!