Monday, October 19, 2009

Sneak Peak

Here is a little sneak peak of the fun FREE stuff I got from briare.claire.etsy! Can you believe I won something? I almost never win anything! That includes wedding/baby shower games, raffles, nothing. So it was such a great surprise to win one of Mckmama's contests here.  Ok, so I am seriously impressed i just figured out how to "link" you to the contest...(((pat on back))) . 

I got to choose a BUNCH of fun stuff. some for gifts, some for us, some for Mckmama's pediatric cancer hat collection. And I still have money left over! woohoo.

cute orange head band! cute! silly face and all!

and of course i could not resist to post a picture of josie in an outfit that i think Mckmama would approve of....

Not the  best pic, but polkadot footless tights & limey green shrug? what is not to love?


  1. Just wanted to say hi..I saw you on MckMama's community.. I love briar.claire!! Josie looks too cute in her little outfit..Thanks for sharing!

  2. Agree with Keely above! That Josie is adorable!! How fun to go on such a great shopping spree! Thanks for giving us the update on Blog Frog!
