Monday, September 21, 2009

My very own fisherman

Have I told you about my husband? probably not since I tend to ramble on about the kiddos. I met the man of my dreams in april of 2000. You will never guess where I found him.....The internet, yes ladies I know that can by "dangerous" but back then it was a pretty new fad.

We were engaged march 01 and married October 20 2001, just over a month after september 11th. We had a beautiful fall wedding, the leaves were brilliant colors of oranges and reds, mums were in full bloom and the sun peaked out from behind the clouds long enough to illuminate the stained glass of the BARN CHURCH that we were married in.

He is an awesome father, even though he would never admit it. He is such a great father because he is still a kid himself...hehe. 

My husband is a controls engineer by trade, but tournament bass fishing is his life! My husband has been fishing for more years than i can imagine, and can fish for hours on end (without even a radio on his boat), now that is dedication. He is considered semi-pro i believe. He has won some and lost some, but that is the name of the game.

I guess you could call me a "bass widow" in the summer. The kids and I will travel to some of his fishing weigh ins, sometimes he even gets "Big checks"

Yep girls he is all MINE...
and boy do i love the fisherman so!

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